(function($) { /** * Auto-growing textareas; technique ripped from Facebook * * * http://github.com/jaz303/jquery-grab-bag/tree/master/javascripts/jquery.autogrow-textarea.js */ $.fn.autogrow = function(options) { return this.filter('textarea').each(function() { var self = this; var $self = $(self); var minHeight = $self.height(); var noFlickerPad = $self.hasClass('autogrow-short') ? 0 : parseInt($self.css('lineHeight')) || 0; var lineHeight = parseInt($self.css('lineHeight')) || 0; var settings = $.extend({ preGrowCallback: null, postGrowCallback: null }, options ); var shadow = $('
').css({ position: 'absolute', top: -10000, left: -10000, width: $self.width(), fontSize: $self.css('fontSize'), fontFamily: $self.css('fontFamily'), fontWeight: $self.css('fontWeight'), lineHeight: $self.css('lineHeight'), resize: 'none', 'word-wrap': 'break-word' }).appendTo(document.body); var update = function(event) { var times = function(string, number) { for (var i=0, r=''; i/g, '>') .replace(/\n$/, '
 ') .replace(/\n/g, '
') .replace(/ {2,}/g, function(space){ return times(' ', space.length - 1) + ' ' }); // Did enter get pressed? Resize in this keydown event so that the flicker doesn't occur. if (event && event.data && event.data.event === 'keydown' && event.keyCode === 13) { val += '
'; } shadow.css('width', $self.width()); shadow.html(val + (noFlickerPad === 0 ? '...' : '')); // Append '...' to resize pre-emptively. var newHeight=Math.max(shadow.height() + noFlickerPad - lineHeight, minHeight); if(settings.preGrowCallback!=null){ newHeight=settings.preGrowCallback($self,shadow,newHeight,minHeight); } $self.height(newHeight); if(settings.postGrowCallback!=null){ settings.postGrowCallback($self); } } $self.change(update).keyup(update).keydown({event:'keydown'},update); $(window).resize(update); update(); }); }; })(jQuery);